Keane observations about life, politics and sports.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sargent Shriver - Rest in Peace

R. Sargent Shriver passed away today at 95 years old. He has suffered from Alzheimer for that last few years and has been a widower since his wife died two years ago.

While he was an in-law to the Kennedy's, Shriver should not just be lumped in with them and dismissed. By all accounts, Shriver was a good and decent man. He was the first director of the Peace Corps and his heart was in the right place as the leader of LBJ's misguided "War on Poverty."

It is easily forgotten that he was a candidate for national office. He was George McGovern's running mate in 1972 and ran on his own in 1976 but was an afterthought in the primaries and quickly dropped out of the race. He was the last pro-life candidate on a Democrat national ticket.

Sargent Shriver - Rest in Peace

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